Wii Fit is broken down into four core areas Yoga, Muscle Training, Aerobic Exercise & Balance Games. Yoga and Muscle Training have a 15 different exercises in total given by an animated male or female trainer, some of these must be unlocked over time though and are not available from the beginning. Aerobic exercise and Balance Games have a total of nine activities each, the majority of these are unavailable at first. As you spend time on activities Wii Fit begins to unlock new poses, exercises, and games.
15 different poses. By measuring your center of gravity using the balance board Wii Fit is able to judge how well you are holding the a yoga pose as shown by the instructor on screen.

Muscle Training

Muscle training is divided up 15 simple games that each focus on a particular muscle group. Including a Hula Hoop game that works the abdomen and a push ups activity.
Aerobic Exercise
The on screen character performs a manoever which you need to mimic while standing on your balance board. As with the yoga the aim of the game is to keep the pink dot within the yellow area on screen.
Balance Games

Finally the balance games consist of simple games such as heading footballs to tightrope walking. These activities aim to strengthen the vestibular, the part of the inner ear that controls balance, as well the muscles that keep you upright.